Ryan Garasich. 3/27/2021 2020, for the most part, was a complete wash of a calendar year. The world came to a screeching halt in the wake of the worst global threat we have seen in centuries, and the film industry was not immune to Covid's devastation. Still, in this strangest of all years, there was a solid crop of remarkable and deeply moving films. Most major studios pushed their larger titles to 2021 in an attempt to gross more at the box office, which opened the door for smaller films to share a larger portion of the spotlight. Black stories especially, saw a wellspring in 2020 unlike any we may have ever seen, and there are several of them dotted throughout this list in addition to the ones that were near misses. About the list itself... This is the latest this list has ever posted for obvious reasons. I set a couple of arbitrary deadlines in order for me to make this list with as much integrity as possible. Only films I saw before March 1st were eligible, which left out som...